Finite Element Analysis using CalculiX and NETGEN

Here is a tutorial I wrote back in 2010 illustrating how one can use open-source software to perform engineering analysis.

CalculiX is a freely available FEM solver the uses a syntax very similar to ABAQUS, back then I had a copy of ABAQUS and I compared the results between the two.  In fact the example problem is one that is included in the ABAQUS documentation.

It is a step by step method showing how to import geometry into NETGEN, create the mesh, read the mesh into CalculiX, apply the loads and constraints and perform the analysis.

I realize that this might be a bit outdated since CalculiX has evolved quite a bit since those days and I have not kept it up to date.  However I am in the process of doing a complete rewrite using better and more current tools and will be providing updated instructions in a tutorial format in the near future.

A Primer for performing Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis with CalculiX and NETGEN. 

Till then, enjoy and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact via the button above.